Friday 21 March 2014

Don't panic - Painting 2

The next painting module is not til Thursday 1st May, but Hilary already put this on Moodle for the Tuesday group.

It does involve some preparatory sketching/painting before the first class, so I thought it was worth posting here.

Painting Project 2014 CLFA year I

This project is to encourage you to gather and formulate research to enable you to further your artistic practice plus working from memory and observation.

Please make a series of images i.e. drawings, using charcoal, pencil, oil pastels or coloured pencils etc of a room in your house or flat i.e. a kitchen or a bedroom which you occupy at present. I.e. direct observation

The drawing / images can be of part of the room, i.e. what is near the window, a view out of the window, what the furniture looks like, i.e.. Details of the bed, chair/ colours in the room simple annotated drawings and colour swatches. 

Digital images can be used as aide memoires but it would be really useful to draw and make graphic/painterly images from the chosen subjects to create research material 

I suggest no less than 8- 10 of these images please plus digital 

The other part oaf the project is to recall the same kind of imagery from your memory, a room from a previous time in your life. Maybe childhood or when you were a teenager /student

So these second set of drawing will be formed from fragments of imagery from memories remembered from a bedroom or kitchen recalling the atmosphere in the room, recalling some of the furniture.

  I suggest you draw the images from memory using the same media as the room at in your present living accommodation. Please try to make about 6-8   0f these images. 

 When we are in the studio, please bring these drawings with you. I would like you to start building these images into a series of small juxtaposition paintings using various paint handling methods a specific colour paint palettes.   For example , using opaque/ transparent layering of paint.  Also we will be experimenting with different mediums to use with the oil paint. 

   Many thanks.


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